LUPUS WA SUPPORT – Get connected and find help!

You are not alone…

Lupus WA provides face-to-face, telephone, email and Facebook support to lupus patients and their families. We also facilitate support group meetings.

Support Groups

Support groups are a great way to get connected and meet other people living with lupus in a friendly, safe and supportive environment. In these groups we all have lupus in common and we understand the impact of living with lupus.

Don’t suffer in silence.

Connect with a support group where you can share your lupus journey, receive encouragement and learn from the group’s collective ‘lived experience’.

Lupus WA currently offers the following support groups to people impacted by lupus:

  • Perth Metropolitan — This group meets monthly
  • Lupus WA Support -Young Ones — Closed Facebook group
  • Lupus WA Support – South West Region — Closed Facebook group
  • Lupus WA Support – Geraldton Region — Closed Facebook group
Contact Details

To find out more about Lupus WA Support, or to express your interest in attending a meeting or joining a Facebook group, please give us a call of flick us an email.

  • Phone: (08) 9388 2199
  • Email:

We look forward to connecting with you soon.
