Along with thousands of everyday lupus sufferers, a growing number of celebrities with lupus, are using their public profile to increase awareness of this complex and often misdiagnosed condition.

Lupus sufferer Selena Gomez


“In 2015 Selena Gomez said she was receiving chemotherapy after being diagnosed with lupus. Concerns about her health were first raised in 2013, when she cancelled a tour of Asia and Australia.


She later sought treatment at the Dawn at the Meadows rehab facility, with her representatives denying she was dealing with substance abuse. But the singer has revealed her break was “really about” her lupus diagnosis, adding: “I could have had a stroke.”

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Seal is one of many lupus celebrities


“This award-winning English singer/songwriter first showed signs of a specific type of lupus called discoid lupus erythematous at age 23 with the emergence of facial scarring.


Although he’s not as outspoken about lupus as other celebrities living with the disease, Seal often talks about his art and music as a means through which to channel pain and suffering.

“I believe that in all forms of art there has to have been some initial adversity: that is what makes art, as far as I’m concerned,” he told an interviewer at The New York Times in 1996. “And it’s not something you outlive: once you experience it, it’s always with you.”

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Singer Toni Braxton is one of many celebrities with lupus


“Singer Toni Braxton announced she has lupus. While accepting a Women in Achievement award at the 8th Annual Lupus LA Bag Ladies Luncheon, she told the audience:


“Today I’m going to talk about it because I’m a survivor and I’m here, and I don’t want to lose hope. Take a look — this is what lupus looks like.”

Toni then took to Twitter to share with fans and well-wishers that she feels a “relief” after coming forward.”

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It was suspected that Beethoven has lupus.


“It was suspected that Beethoven had lupus. The following was written about him: “Beethoven may well have had the specific form of immunopathic disease known as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,


which typically commences in early adult life with a fever accompanied by mental confusion.

Typical symptoms are destructive rash (‘lupus’) and redness (‘erythema’) of the butterfly area of the face. Any of the immunopathic disorders may occur, notably colitis. The excellent life-mask of 1812 shows an elongated atrophic scar particularly suggestive of Lupus. The portraits clearly show flushing of the cheekbones and nose. Beethoven’s high colour was frequently commented on and may have aroused suspicions of heavy drinking”. Larkin, 1970

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about other celebrities living with lupus